Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Sura 5 Maida

MAIDA ( The Table Spread )

God Has conditionals that He Will be with us if we always:
1. Establish Regular Prayers
2. Practice regular charity
3. Believe in His aspostles
4. Honour and assist them
5. And loan to God a beautiful loan

If we have done the above Commandments, He Will:
1. Wipe from us our evils
2. Admit us to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath

We must put on God our trust if we have faith.

God always Suggests us:
1. Do our duty to God
2. Seek the means of approach unto Him
3. And strive with might and main in His Cause
That we may prosper

As to those who reject faith, theirs would be unhappiness.

Someone will come to you and says that he believes to be able to reach his targets in his life, but infact he or she enters with a mind against faith, and he or she goes out with the same. But God Knows fully all that she or he hides.

Those who believe in the Quran, who believe in God, and work righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

God Said that they had done blaspheme who said that God was one of three in a trinity, for there is no God except One God, That is Allah only.

The Disciples asked Jesus son of Mary: "Can Thy Lord Send down to us A Table Set ( with viands ) from heaven?"
They said that they only wish to eat thereof and satisfy their hearts, and to know that Jesus had told the truth to them, and they will be the Witnesses to the Miracle.
Jesus son of Mary asked God to send that table set from heaven and God Answered that He would Send it down to them etc.

God Asked Jesus suppose he had given orders to people to do worship to Jesus and his mother, but Jesus rejected it
Jesus said that he asked them to worship Allah, my Lord and their Lord.